The members of the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) Microplastics Team wish to acknowledge the individuals, organizations, and agencies that contributed to the Microplastics Outreach Toolkit.
As part of the broader ITRC effort, the Microplastics effort is funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Energy. Additional funding and support have been provided by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The team leaders, Valerie Hanley (California Department of Toxic Substances Control) and Grace Anne Martin (South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control), along with the program advisor, Cherri Baysinger (Cymbella Consulting LLC), wish to recognize the efforts of several team members.
First, we would like to recognize Kim Nimmer (Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA)). Kim started on this team as a co-team leader with Valerie. When she accepted a new position where she was no longer eligible to co-lead the team, she graciously decided to remain with the team and step in as a subgroup leader. We appreciate her contributions and her willingness to stay with the team.
The team would like to thank the following individuals who took on leadership roles within the team:
- Kim Nimmer, Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA)
- Cheryl Hankins, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Todd Miller, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
- Sophia Owens, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
- Alex MacDonald, Emeritus Stakeholder
The team would like to thank the following individuals for sharing their knowledge and talents and for making significant contributions to the outreach toolkit:
- Doreen Peters, George Mason University
- Katrina Varner, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Deepti Nair, Battelle
- Celia Konowe, Dalhousie University
- Judd Mahan, Tetra Tech, Inc.
- Nizanna Bathersfield, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Kelly Broom, Volunteer
- Rachel Hakim, GHD
- Daniel Harper, Indiana Department of Environmental Management
- Aimee Preau, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
- Joshua Burns, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
- Roy Thun, Broadbent & Associates, Inc
- James Lazorchak, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Alia Enright, TRC
The team would like to thank the following individuals for sharing their specific knowledge with us:
- Hunt VanderToll, Legislative Aid for Senator Andy Barr, for providing insight into the legislative process and working with legislators.
- Scott Coffin, California Office of Health Hazard Assessment, formerly with the California State Water Board, for helping to kick the team off and getting the team started on the toolkit.
The team would like to acknowledge the following state team members who provided knowledge, input, time, and writing skills to prepare this document:
- Riz Sarmiento, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
- Dicle Yardimci, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
- Elizabeth Markert, Indiana Department of Environmental Management
- Donna McCollough, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
- Steven Gunnels, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
- Matt Cox, Washington State Department of Transportation
- Meaghan Cibarich, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Additionally, we had state representatives from Alabama, Arizona, California, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, who participated on the team.
The team would like to recognize the following stakeholders who contributed to the creation of this document:
- Elena Westfall, Amigos Bravos
Additionally, we had team members from Ain Shams University, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Charotar University of Science and Technology, Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, Loyola College, Ondokuz Mayis Ãœniversity, Temple University, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universiti Putra Malaysia, University of Missouri – Kansas City, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Western Carolina University.
The team would like to thank the following local and regional utilities, special districts, and local government employees who shared their knowledge, time, and skills to prepare this document:
- Fangmei Zhang, Miami-Dade County
Additionally, we had local government representatives from representatives from the City of Austin, City of Phoenix, City of Tallahassee, Los Angeles County Sanitation and Orange County Sanitation who participated in the team.
The team would like to acknowledge the following team members from the federal government who shared their knowledge, time, and writing skills to prepare this document:
- Gary Newhart, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Additionally, we had team members from the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Park Service.
The team would like to acknowledge the following team members from affiliated industry partners who shared their knowledge, time, and writing skills to prepare this document:
- Brent Alspach, Arcadis
- Ali Teymouri, Brown and Caldwell
- Cecilia Mancini, EHS Support, LLC
- Mala Hettiarachchi, Freshwater Conservancy
- Darcy Metzler, Haley & Aldrich, Inc.
- Jenny Reina, Jacobs
- Dusty Tazelaar, Ramboll
- Greg Booth, Woodward & Curran
- Usha Vedagiri, WSP
Additionally, the team had members from AECOM, American Chemistry Council, Arcadis, Barr Engineering, Battelle Memorial Institute, BBJ Group, Burns & McDonald, CDM Smith, Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc., EA Engineering, Science, Technology, Inc., EHS Support LLC, Ensafe, Inc., Eurofins, Geosyntec Consultants, GHD, Golder Associates, Inc., GSI Environmental Inc., Haley & Aldrich, Inc., Integral Consulting, Jacobs, Kleinfelder, Langan, Montrose Environmental Group, Parsons Corporation, Ramboll, TechLaw Inc., TetraTech, Inc., ToxStrategies, Inc., TRC, and WSP.