The scientific and regulatory community includes federal, state, and local government technical and regulatory personnel, along with academic researchers interested in increasing their understanding about microplastics. Outreach materials for scientists and regulators should include detailed information described in technical terms, focusing on what is known while acknowledging data gaps. Links to additional information resources from reputable sources, including peer-reviewed research articles, should be included. Although the information is more technical, it should still be presented in an interesting and compelling format.
Fact Sheets
The goal of a fact sheet for scientists and regulators is to introduce a potentially complex topic in understandable terms and provide references and links to more detailed information. Regulators, scientists, or others working with the public may also use fact sheets designed for a general audience to educate themselves and provide information to the public. A list of outreach materials for all audiences prepared by the ITRC Microplastics Team can be found in the index.
Social Media Materials
The scientific and regulatory community may use social media to communicate among themselves about new research findings and technical innovations, and to provide information to a general audience in short but understandable bites. Social media posts for a general audience may be helpful in the second instance.
Posters and Presentations
Posters and presentations are two ways that scientists and regulators communicate information and research results to other scientists and regulators, generally at conferences and meetings. In most cases, a scientific abstract is submitted ahead of the conference. The abstract provides a concise summary of the presentation and will aid conference organizers in determining the best platform for the presentation. When a presenter speaks to an audience, they are usually accompanied by a visual presentation. Posters are generally set up to convey information visually, with or without a presenter or attendant. ITRC created an abstract and associated poster to provide general information on microplastics and promote the ITRC Microplastics Guidance and associated trainings through USEPA CLU-IN (
Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) Microplastics Outreach Toolkit Abstract Example
The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) is a state-led environmental coalition working to create innovative solutions and best management practices (BMPs) for the environmental sector. ITRC produces guidance documents and trainings that broaden and deepen technical knowledge and expedites quality regulatory decision-making while protecting human health and the environment. ITRC is a program of the Environmental Research Institute of the States (ERIS), a 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the District of Columbia and managed by the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS). ITRC represents all 50 states with membership from state, federal, tribal, and international agencies, as well as members from academia, the private sector, and the public. A recent ITRC activity was to develop a microplastics guidance document. The guidance introduces the topic of microplastics (Section 1), information on how they move and where they can be found in the environment (Section 2), sampling and analysis considerations (Section 3), information on human health and environmental effects (Section 4), a summary of current laws and regulations (Section 5), and technologies that can be used to abate and mitigate microplastics in the environment (Section 6). Additionally, there is a discussion regarding the current data gaps and recommendations for future research and regulatory actions (Section 7). Online trainings on the guidance document are provided quarterly through USEPA CLU-IN platform. ITRC further developed an outreach toolkit to provide resources for environmental professionals to use in communicating microplastics issues to lawmakers and members of the public. Here is a link to the Microplastics Guidance: